Makea World Organisation is a not-for-profit organisation based in Cologne, Germany, that works to improve the lives of many less-fortunate people in Africa, intervening in areas such as healthcare, education, environment protection and youth development, while also educating people, especially Africans in the diaspora, about African history and culture.

Our vision is to become a global voice for many voiceless in Africa.

Makea World Organisation exists to act as a platform that will continually raise awareness among Africans in the diaspora and European communities about the living conditions of many in Africa who lack access to basic necessities, and mobilise resources to impact the lives of those less fortunate, thereby significantly contributing to poverty alleviation in Africa.

Making an Impact

Through our various interventions, we have impacted the lives of more than 50,000 people in seven countries in Africa.


We provided relief to more than 13,000 people affected by the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.


Makea World provided much needed relief to over 20,000 people affected by the Ebola epidemic in Guinea.


Mobilised funding for the preservation of the Goree Island in Senegal.


Initiated youth development programmes in Ghana.


Provided a school, school supplies and medical equipment to organisations in Cameroon


Initiated youth development projects in Kenya.

Learn more about our projects

Why Africa?

Despite much progress achieved in the last two decades, the face of global poverty remains predominantly African…Let’s change that!